Innovation Management

Discovery of the Unicist Technology for Trend Building

Trend building is perhaps the most complex process in the business world. It is a paradigmatic example of complexity.

Trend BuildingThe first trend building process developed by our organization occurred in 1981. Since then multiple trends were installed having more or less influential power in the social, political, technological and business fields. The final trend building technology could be confirmed in 2013.

Trend building is a “must” when innovations need to be introduced in a market. Basically, there are two different types of trends:

1)  Natural trends produced in a context

2)  Artificial trends stimulated by human actions

Trends need to have a level of energy to allow using them “as a wave” in order to “surf” on them. Natural waves have a higher level of energy than artificial trends.

There are multiple types of trends:

  1. Produced by new technologies
  2. Produced by the satisfaction of needs
  3. Produced by changes in the gravitational force
  4. Produced by changes in the catalysts
  5. Produced by restrictions of the environment
  6. Produced by the disequilibrium of the functionality of concepts that underlie a given reality
  7. Produced by mutations of conceptual structures
  8. Produced by the influence of changes in homologous fields
  9. Produced by changes in he sub-concepts of a field
  10. Produced by extreme conflicts

Artificial trends are built by installing expectancies based on an authoritative context that provides “gravitational legitimacy” and having the necessary influence to accelerate the process.

The success of a trend building process depends on the capacity of installing the necessary propagation speed that makes this process commercially feasible.

This technology requires using semiotic and semantic objects in order to achieve the necessary propagation speed. Full success will have been achieved when the artificial trend becomes a natural trend.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
