Intelligence Catalysts

Discovery of the Evolution and Involution of Human Intelligence

The research on the possibilities of influencing the evolution of individual intelligence was based on the already demonstrated fact that the ethical intelligence evolves based on the maturity of individuals.

Evolution of IntelligenceThe intelligence used by the stagnant survivor ethics, survival ethics, value earning ethics, value adding ethics and foundation ethics that were discovered, defined different functionalities in the adaptation process. While, just born babies are driven by the ethics of survival, wise people, in their field of wisdom, are driven by conceptual ethics.

Ethical intelligence defines the true intentions of individuals and drives the long-term results of their actions.

While ethical intelligence defines the purpose, the true intentions of an individual, it influences the use of the strategic intelligence – that deals with actions and conflict solving – and of the logical intelligence – that deal with conceptualization, defining the concepts that guide the individual’s actions.

The question posed by this research was: how can the evolution of intelligence be stimulated? This question drove to develop multiple applications since 2003 that confirmed that the strategies individuals use when developing actions are the drivers of the evolution of intelligence.

The following table shows the equivalence of the different levels of intelligence.

(*) Ethical

(*) Logical
(*) Strategic
Influence /

Stagnant Survivor

Analogies /




Idea of the



Value Earning




Value Adding






(*) See paper on “The roots of human intelligence”:

The evolution of intelligence has two functionalities in itself:

  1. On the one hand, it upgrades the level of ethical intelligence. The use of a superior strategic intelligence, based on the development of repetitive actions of a comparative superior level that the ones the individual used to perform, fosters the development of a superior level of ethical intelligence.
  2. On the other hand, it the development of intelligence fosters an expansive attitude in everyday actions that drives individuals towards evolutive actions that increase their level of adaptiveness and influence.


The research demonstrated that the evolution of the strategic approach of individuals drives the evolution of their intelligence and can be considered the core of adults’ evolution.

The more influential the strategies are, the higher the level of ethical intelligence that is required. The systematic exercise of performing influential strategies expands the functionality of ethical intelligence.

It is important to clarify that the intelligence of an individual does not evolve based on strategic planning, it evolves driven by the planned actions an individual does. The success and the failure of these actions drive the evolution of intelligence when the individual does the necessary amendments in case of failure.

The stagnation of the level of use of strategic intelligence generates the degradation of ethical intelligence because the individual loses, step by step, her/his adaptation capacity, which drives necessarily towards a survivor ethics in order to avoid being excluded from the environment.

While the evolutionary process requires increasing the level of consciousness of actions, the involution process is fully unconscious, because “involution” is a personal and social taboo that cannot be accepted.

Intelligence evolves based on actions in the real world. The brain requires having a real need in order to expand the functionality of the neural system that guides human actions.

That is why the reading of books empowers the intelligence necessary to improve the reading capacity and not the doing capacity.

Intelligence CatalystsOne of the objectives of the research was to find personal methods that catalyze the expansion of an individual’s intelligence. What was discovered is that catalysts for the development of intelligence only work when the individual has a real need to generate value to influence an environment, s/he has an institutionalized attitude which means a role driven attitude, that implies that this search to add value is not subjective-driven and has the necessary reliable knowledge to generate such value.

In conceptual terms, this can be defined as being complementation building driven, assuming an adaptive leading role and being able to acquire the necessary knowledge to build such complementation.

Complementation Building (Unicist “Q” Method), Institutionalization (adaptive leadership) and Reliable knowledge Building (Unicist 5 Why Method) work as catalysts in the development of intelligence.

In this context, The Unicist Research Institute has decided to give free access to these technologies to the community through the Unicist Goodwill Network to foster equal opportunities for young people.

You can access the Unicist “Q” Method at:

The Unicist “5 Why” Method is available at:

The approach to “Adaptive Leadership” can be found at:

Introducing these catalysts requires having the necessary will and discipline to make this process work. It requires installing “evolution” in one’s lifestyle. The comfort zone needs to be displaced towards the satisfaction of generating value.

A Generic Solution to Expand Intelligence

The action-reflection-action process proposed by the unicist logical approach to complex environments is a way to deal with such environments but also a way to expand the intelligence of those who use this approach. This approach implies the use of the before mentioned methods (Unicist Q Method, 5 Why Method and Adaptive Leadership approach).

The final conclusion, in plain language, is that if someone wants to empower her/his intelligence, s/he should not imagine or study. Only actions will drive the evolution of intelligence; and the action-reflection-action process is the most powerful method to influence an environment while developing one’s intelligence. Ethical intelligence does not evolve based on moral thinking but on developing value adding actions.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
