ontogenetic intelligence of nature

Discovery that complementation and supplementation rule nature

The research on adaptive systems drove to the conclusion that nature has only two types of relationships: complementation and supplementation. The use of a unicist double dialectical thinking approach is necessary to apprehend them.

The elements that are part of an entity in nature are integrated by supplementary and complementary relationships. There exist no other types of relationships in nature.

These relationships can be perfect or imperfect. When they are perfect the entity evolves in a stable way, when they are imperfect they generate a high level of entropy.

The purpose, the conservation function and the active function of a concept are integrated by logical rules which sustain their unity.

While the purpose and the active function are sustained by the supplementation law, the purpose and the conservation function are integrated by the complementation law.

Access a synthesis on “The Homology between Unicist Concepts and Stem Cells, Atoms, Biology, the TAO and Electricity” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The unicist explanation of Darwin: How evolution takes place

The question answered by The Unicist Theory of Evolution is how evolution is produced and how it can be anticipated to influence as far as it is possible.

Darwin's finchesWhen talking about evolution, we always refer to the evolution of a reality that is regulated by the multiple concepts organizing its “unified field”.

Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, develop adaptive changes to live in a certain environment. It is necessary to comprehend that the evolution of species has a materialistic origin.

Habit is hereditary with plants, as in the period of flowering, in the amount of rain requisite for seeds to germinate, in the time of sleep, &c., and this leads me to say a few words on acclimatisation. As it is extremely common for species of the same genus to inhabit very hot and very cold countries, and as I believe that all the species of the same genus have descended from a single parent, if this view be correct, acclimatisation must be readily effected during long-continued descent. It is notorious that each species is adapted to the climate of its own home: species from an arctic or even from a temperate region cannot endure a tropical climate, or conversely. (Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species)

Evolution always occurs by the “verbal function effect”. Adaptation to the environment is lost when the action where the adverbial function is materialized stops being functional to the existence of a concept in its current state.

In this case, there are two possibilities: either the adverbial function compensates the dysfunctionality or it does not.

In order to adjust this, the adverbial function starts up the verbal function it has as sub-concept of the original concept. This compensation may be reached or not.

If reached, there is an adjustment effect which is functional to the balance at a given time and let repairing or self-repairing mechanisms adjust the dysfunctionality.

When there are no chances of repair, the balance of the credibility area must have changed in the case of an extrinsic concept, or there must have been a change in the functionality area when dealing with an intrinsic concept.

It may also happen that the adverbial function (homeostasis) cannot compensate the unbalance situation produced by the dysfunctionality of the verbal function. Should that be the case, there is a modification of the substantive function.

In this case, a mutation must have taken place. When purposes change mutation occur.

Mutations may be qualitative or structural. By qualitative mutations we mean those that modify the quality of the same structural purpose.

Structural mutations are those where the purpose changes completely. Structural mutations frequently occur when, in chaotic situations, there appears an external gravitating force which intends to “absorb” a unified field.

It is very difficult to know exactly when the mutation will take place and what it will result in.

What it is possible indeed is to build alternative scenarios which allow a better adaptation to the environment.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org


The Unicist Ontology of Biological Entities

The unicist ontology of a “biological entity” defines its structure and functionality in an environment.

The understanding of the ontology of “biological entities” helps to follow the laws of nature when dealing with genetic engineering processes and use it to apprehend the nature of beings with “artificial life” such as institutions.

The genotype defines the genetic structure of the entity that rules its evolution and generates the phenotype of the being.

The objective of the genotype is to ensure the permanence of species, it reproduction and production.

The phenotype defines the morphologic, behavioral and materialistic characteristics of the entity. It defines the functional characteristics, the functional power of the entity and the functional assurance.

Functionality defines the effectiveness of the phenotype measured as the consequence of the adaptation of the biological entity to the environment. Functionality is measured in the capacity of adapting and growing, on the one hand, and surviving, on the other hand.

To apprehend the dynamic of a biological entity it is necessary to manage the unicist double dialectical logic. Dualistic approaches only allow making static observations of a biological entity and/or making disruptive interventions on its evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


Homology between Unicist Concepts and Stem Cells

The function of stem cells in the human body is homologous to the function of concepts in the field of human actions. While stem cells can give rise to specialized cells and thus organs, essential concepts allow building unicist objects.

Essential ConceptUnicist objects are adaptive systems that have a concept and generate added value within a quality assurance system to fulfill the purpose of the concept. Unicist objects are interdependent entities that integrate a complex adaptive system.

The knowledge of the essential concepts is basic to build unicist objects because these objects are the materialization of a concept.

Under certain conditions, organs can be transplanted and this is also the case of unicist objects that can be replicated as long as they belong to homologous and analogous entities.

Objects are inserted into processes to produce specific results. The same way stem cells have the potential capacity to give birth to human organs, concepts can give birth to objects to produce results.

The knowledge of the Unicist Theory allows using a double dialectical approach to reality to emulate the organization of nature using an object driven organization.

Nature is organized by objects which can be observed in the ecosystem. The human body is an example of the organization of nature, where organs are homologous to unicist objects. That is why the transplantation of organs became possible.

While the structure of the different organs of the body derives from the stem cells, the unicist objects derive from the essential function of an entity that is defined by its concept.

Properties of Stem Cells and Concepts

Stem Cells


They are unspecialized They are universal
They are capable of self-renewal They are timeless
They can give rise to specialized cells They allow building operational functions

Thus, stem cells and concepts are homologous. While essential concepts allow the construction of objects to insert into human adaptive processes, stem cells allow the building of organs that work as unicist objects to sustain the functionality of a complex adaptive system such as the human body.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The Unicist Theory solved the approach to complexity

Unicist Theory, its Applications and Scientific EvidencesThe Unicist Theory made adaptive systems manageable and gave an epistemological structure to complexity sciences. As it is known, the management of complexity has been an unsolved challenge for sciences. This challenge has been faced in 1976 by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, which became a pioneering organization in the development of concrete solutions to manage the complex adaptive systems by developing a logical approach that uses the Unicist Theory.

A double dialectical logical approach to manage complex problems has been discovered. This approach is based on the discovery that complex systems have a triadic structure that emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, represented by a purpose, an active principle and an energy conservation principle and their integration. The Unicist Theory that solved the approach to complexity includes the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature, the Unicist Ontology, the Unicist Logic, the Unicist Conceptualization, the Unicist Ontology of Evolution, the Ontogenetic Maps and the Unicist Objects.

There are fields that are generally accepted as being complex such as: life sciences, social sciences, anthropology, political sciences, economic sciences, behavioral sciences, medicine, psychology, education, businesses, ecology and meteorology.

The complexity of a system is intrinsic, which means that it does not depend on the perception of an individual. But in order to apprehend a complex system it is necessary that the person emulates the system in mind, which fully depends on the individual. This required defining what a complex system is.

Science dealt with complexity using multiple palliatives but without achieving consensus of what complex systems are. The main problem to manage complexity is that all the elements of the complex system are integrated by bi-univocal conjunctions without the possibility of the existence of disjunctions, that the boundaries of the objects that integrate the complex system are open and that the system is open in itself. The only measurable facts are the results that such system produces.

The most difficult task was the completion of the scientific evidences to confirm the functionality of the solutions, which demanded thousands of applications until they could be synthesized. The scientific evidences of the Unicist Theory were: the functionality of amino acids, the structure of atoms, the structure of biological entities, the nervous system, the similarity between natural and social objects, the fact that unicist concepts behave as stem cells and that thinking processes are homologous to the functionality of electricity.

The Unicist Theory was used to develop applications in Life Sciences, Future Research, Business, Education, Healthcare and Social and Human behavior. Now complex adaptive systems became manageable and complexity science received its epistemological structure. Palliatives to deal with complexity will continue to be used until people accept that complexity needs to be approached in its nature.

Learn more: http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Basics

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Evolution is Purpose Driven: The Discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

Darwins finchesThis research began in 1976 with the hypothesis that in nature there are mutations that are random but others that are driven by a purpose.

If this hypothesis was confirmed and there were a purpose, Peter Belohlavek concluded that there would have to be an intelligence that defined such purpose.

For this reason, Belohlavek researched on the essential structure implicit in nature’s intelligence to be able to predict and exert influence on the evolution of complex adaptive systems when possible.

Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, developed adaptive changes to live in a certain environment.

The hypothesis of Belohlavek’s research was that these changes were driven by an intelligence that underlies nature.

The Unified field of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of NatureHe concluded that each living creature’s evolution is ruled by its ontogenetic intelligence, that defines it as unique both in its species and individuality and that the essential structure of this intelligence is integrated by a purpose, an active principle (entropic function) and an energy conservation principle.

The research was focused on the unified field of living beings.

The basic assumption that sustains this development is that the evolution of living beings, their behaviors, actions and deeds are driven by the same logical structural framework.

This implies that there is an intelligence that defines the structural behavior of any entity that integrates this framework that allows predicting the behavior of all the entities where this intelligence is known.

You can find the complete document on the “Discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature” at: http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Basics

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist Research: Closing the gap between macro and micro behavior

The Unicist Research closed the gap between macro and micro behaviour. The unicist complexity research approach implies dealing with applications while researching, which requires that the lapse of research time be very long in order to achieve fully accurate predicted results before validating a hypothesis.

discoveries-unicist-2013-2014As it has been done every year since its foundation, The Unicist Research Institute synthesized this January the researches that had been finished until that time. After 38 years, 2013/2014, can be considered the year in which the integration of macro and micro behavior could be confirmed.

The gap between the macro and the micro cosmos has been and is still a problem that theoretical physicists are closing. The integration of the field of macro and micro behavior, that has been solved by Peter Belohlavek, is homologous. It allows integrating social behavior with individual behavior, making human complex adaptive systems manageable.

The publication of Conceptual Economics, Conceptual Anthropology and Conceptual Psychology are some of the milestones of this process that included the researches developed in 2013-2014 (see image above).

You can access Conceptual Economics and Conceptual Anthropology at:

If you want to access the “Drivers of Human Behavior” that explain the structure of human intelligence, please access: www.unicist.org/repo/#Psychology

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist


The basics of the Unicist Logical Approach to Complexity

Homology between the unicist ontological structure, the atomic structure and biology


The objective of this synthesis is to provide the framework of the consistency between the unicist ontological approach and hard sciences to demonstrate not only that they are compatible but also their homology.

Ontogenetic Intelligence of NatureAfter the unicist ontology has been apprehended, it becomes evident that its structure is homologous to the structure of atoms and biology.

This homology allows dealing with the nature of the complex aspects of all sciences using the same unicist ontological structure defined by the ontogenetic maps to define the concept of what is needed to develop with a fully reliable approach.

Engineering, electronics, information technology, behavioral sciences, anthropology and architecture among other application fields need to use the unicist ontological structure and the corresponding ontogenetic maps in order to be apprehended in their nature. Without them concepts are just ideas and not concrete structures to be followed.


The ontogenetic intelligence of nature defines that every living being has a purpose, an active principle and an energy conservation principle.

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The purpose can also be defined as the substantive function, the active principle as the verbal function and the energy conservation principle as the adverbial function.

In physics atoms are defined by having a central nucleus, composed by positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, surrounded by negatively charged electrons.

The positively charged protons are homologous to the substantive function, the neutral neutrons are homologous to the adverbial function and the negatively charged electrons are homologous to the verbal function. An atom, having an equal number of protons and electrons, is electrically neutral.

Living beings are continuously evolving and involving which implies that there is always disequilibrium between their purposes and their active functions which is homologous to the disequilibrium of protons and electrons.

This disequilibrium is what defines the energy and the influence of an ontogenetic structure in the environment.

The active function and the purpose are antithetic and supplementary implying that both are charged with energy.

The energy conservation function and the purpose have a complementary relationship which is evident in atoms where the neutrons allow the integration of the protons.

The mass of an element is basically given by the nucleus of an ontological structure meaning that the mass is given by the purpose and its complementary energy conservation function. But the evolution of a living being is given by the power of the active function in the environment.

The Unicist Ontology of Biological Entities

The unicist ontology of a “biological entity” defines its structure and functionality in an environment.

The genotype defines the genetic structure of the entity that rules its evolution and generates the phenotype of the being. The objective of the genotype is to ensure the permanence of species, its reproduction and production.

The phenotype defines the morphologic, behavioral and materialistic characteristics of the entity.

It defines the functional characteristics, the functional power of the entity and the functional assurance.

Functionality defines the effectiveness of the phenotype measured as the consequence of the adaptation of the biological entity to the environment.

Functionality is measured in the capacity of adapting and growing on the one hand, and surviving, on the other hand.

The understanding of the ontology of “biological entities” helps to follow the laws of nature when dealing with genetic engineering processes and use it to apprehend the nature of beings with “artificial life” such as institutions.


This homology is just a demonstration that beginning with physics, continuing with biology and ending with human behavior the essential structures of these fields are necessarily compatible and homologous.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


The European recovery is based on a cultural consolidation

Understanding cultures is an essential matter for anyone who deals with global activities. The research on the unicist ontology of archetypes has just been finished at The Unicist Research Institute and is being used to diagnose the situation of the European Union where different cultures are being integrated.

Country’s CultureThe purpose of a culture can be found in the archetype of a country. This archetype defines the cohabitation and survival taboos that need to be respected to be accepted as a member of the community. This defines the genotype of a country considering it as an entity with artificial life.

The genotype is put in action by the lifestyle of a culture that defines its phenotype. The lifestyle is defined by the cohabitation and survival myths that need to be followed to be considered as a full member of a society. People who do not follow the myths of a culture are considered outsiders.

The energy conservation function is defined by the scenarios of a country which are defined by the social, economic and political scenarios. When this energy conservation function becomes dysfunctional, the system enters into a more or less chaotic state that can be suppressed or palliated for some time but needs to be solved to avoid a cultural change.

Cultural change is triggered by the demands of the lifestyle of a culture, but it only succeeds if the functionality of the social, economic and political scenarios cannot sustain the preexisting archetypes. This is what is happening in Europe; a new utopia with a functional ethic is necessary to recover the European expansion.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Unicist Theory of Evolution and its applications

The Unicist Theory of Evolution of Peter Belohlavek was a theory developed to deal with the adaptive aspects of reality. Its purpose was not to find the origin of species. It was the finding of the laws of evolution in order to predict human adaptive systems to influence them.

The Unicist Theory of Evolution widely exceeded the original purposes established and can be now considered as the theory that allows dealing with the evolution of living beings if it is possible to apprehend their structure.

This established a new starting point which widened the possibilities of the research in life-sciences and the behavior of individuals, institutions and cultures.

The first stage of the discovery of the Unicist Theory of Evolution happened in 1985 and since then there were new aspects discovered based on the application of this theory in multiple fields that begin with life-sciences and end with social sciences.

Considering that in the field of complex adaptive systems there is no possibility to develop artificial experiences but making real applications to research, this theory was validated through real applications that began in 1985.

Access the presentation at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.
