Unicist Approach

Discovery that complementation and supplementation rule nature

The research on adaptive systems drove to the conclusion that nature has only two types of relationships: complementation and supplementation. The use of a unicist double dialectical thinking approach is necessary to apprehend them.

The elements that are part of an entity in nature are integrated by supplementary and complementary relationships. There exist no other types of relationships in nature.

These relationships can be perfect or imperfect. When they are perfect the entity evolves in a stable way, when they are imperfect they generate a high level of entropy.

The purpose, the conservation function and the active function of a concept are integrated by logical rules which sustain their unity.

While the purpose and the active function are sustained by the supplementation law, the purpose and the conservation function are integrated by the complementation law.

Access a synthesis on “The Homology between Unicist Concepts and Stem Cells, Atoms, Biology, the TAO and Electricity” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The unicist explanation of Darwin: How evolution takes place

The question answered by The Unicist Theory of Evolution is how evolution is produced and how it can be anticipated to influence as far as it is possible.

Darwin's finchesWhen talking about evolution, we always refer to the evolution of a reality that is regulated by the multiple concepts organizing its “unified field”.

Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, develop adaptive changes to live in a certain environment. It is necessary to comprehend that the evolution of species has a materialistic origin.

Habit is hereditary with plants, as in the period of flowering, in the amount of rain requisite for seeds to germinate, in the time of sleep, &c., and this leads me to say a few words on acclimatisation. As it is extremely common for species of the same genus to inhabit very hot and very cold countries, and as I believe that all the species of the same genus have descended from a single parent, if this view be correct, acclimatisation must be readily effected during long-continued descent. It is notorious that each species is adapted to the climate of its own home: species from an arctic or even from a temperate region cannot endure a tropical climate, or conversely. (Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species)

Evolution always occurs by the “verbal function effect”. Adaptation to the environment is lost when the action where the adverbial function is materialized stops being functional to the existence of a concept in its current state.

In this case, there are two possibilities: either the adverbial function compensates the dysfunctionality or it does not.

In order to adjust this, the adverbial function starts up the verbal function it has as sub-concept of the original concept. This compensation may be reached or not.

If reached, there is an adjustment effect which is functional to the balance at a given time and let repairing or self-repairing mechanisms adjust the dysfunctionality.

When there are no chances of repair, the balance of the credibility area must have changed in the case of an extrinsic concept, or there must have been a change in the functionality area when dealing with an intrinsic concept.

It may also happen that the adverbial function (homeostasis) cannot compensate the unbalance situation produced by the dysfunctionality of the verbal function. Should that be the case, there is a modification of the substantive function.

In this case, a mutation must have taken place. When purposes change mutation occur.

Mutations may be qualitative or structural. By qualitative mutations we mean those that modify the quality of the same structural purpose.

Structural mutations are those where the purpose changes completely. Structural mutations frequently occur when, in chaotic situations, there appears an external gravitating force which intends to “absorb” a unified field.

It is very difficult to know exactly when the mutation will take place and what it will result in.

What it is possible indeed is to build alternative scenarios which allow a better adaptation to the environment.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org


Unicist Approach: How and why do social catalysts work?

Social catalysts are unicist objects that accelerate human driven action processes. As catalysts, they are not part of the system, they are external entities to influence it.

The influence that catalysts exert is not based on an authoritarian impulse but on the adding of an energetic stimulus that accelerates a human action process. The use of drums to accelerate walking is a simple example of a social catalyst.

Social Catalysts work when the fundamentals of their ontogenetic map overcame the threshold that is needed to influence a specific human action process.

A social catalysts needs to fulfill a latent need that satisfies a basic human need.

The stimuli of catalysts need to be perceived as having a superior ethics, measured in terms of the value they add, which build up their authoritative and influential role.

But the influence of the social catalysts needs to be subliminal, meaning that it cannot be rationalized. If it is not subliminal, it produces a paradoxical effect.

Another example of social catalysts is the flag of a country. Depending on the functional context, the flag of a country works as a gravitational object, as a catalyst or as an entropy inhibitor.

Consider how flags are used in Olympic Games or Schools and you will be able to identify the different functionalities of the same flag.

Social catalyst building requires dealing with a superior ethics to influence the environment, but the use of social catalysts only requires understanding their functionality.

It has to be considered that catalysts are necessary to expand the boundaries of an activity and that if their energy does not suffice, they work as inhibitors.

Social and economic growth and maximal strategies in general, require the use of catalysts.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Envy is the driver of poverty, conflicts and involution

Envy is perhaps the most powerful justifier for human degrading and destroying actions. It is a necessary consequence of inferiority and superiority complexes.

The purpose of envy is to generate pleasure through destruction. It is based on the “greed” individuals feel and is sustained by jealousy driven relationships. The research on the nature of envy used the Buddhist concept as an input.

Envy works at a non-conscious level. The benefit envious people search for is the access to a better place in the world. That is why they destroy by tanking advantage of the envied. When they cannot do it, whatever the reason, they need to deny the envied existence, killing them it by exclusion.

Envy necessarily produces poverty and extreme conflicts (including wars) when the environment resists its degradation or destruction. It is the essential driver of any fundamentalism.

Envy cannot be rationally accepted by the envious. Therefore, it is substituted by the feeling of jealousy or the feeling of injustice and the need of repair.

Over-adapted cultures generate, because of their lack of possibilities to adapt, a context for envy driven actions. In these cultures envy is accepted as a characteristic which is sustained by fallacious myths to avoid its perception.

As it generates involution, the segments of a culture where it is installed as a characteristic are continuously struggling for survival. These contexts suffer cyclical crises that can only be palliated increasing the need for over-adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior is the natural context that inhibits the existence of envy.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Human Complexes” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest: 

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Fundamentalists live in parallel realities

Fundamentalism is expanding in the world because the successive crises generate the ethical degradation of cultures in order to survive. When survivors feel stagnated, they naturally drive towards fundamentalist behavior.

“Everybody lives in different realities. Vacations, family life, jobs, communitarian activities, are examples of different spheres (realities) in which individuals live.

But they become parallel realities when there is a compulsion to create a separate world to escape, obtain pleasure, patronize or avoid responsibilities in the real world.

Parallel realities are imaginary situations installed beyond the real world that are built upon fallacious beliefs or needs. Fallacies are functional to humans. Individual fallacies reduce personal energy consumption, and fallacious utopias ensure the perception that something useful will be done.

While utopias function as action drivers, fallacious utopias function as empty “action promises”. Fundamentalism, considered as an objective characteristic an individual needs to survive, requires “living” in a parallel world to avoid self-perception.

To build this parallel world individuals use their projection capacity to deposit on the environment what they need to perceive in order to feel comfortable.”

Access the content of the book “Fundamentalism: the ethic of Survivors” at the Unicist Library: http://www.unicist.com/books-pages/en/fundamentalism_en11.php

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist-school.org/theoryofevolution/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/turi.pdf


Ideologies are the restricted context for social evolution

Before the unicist approach, ideologies were considered as the core aspect of the political scenario of a culture that sustained the ethics of the governmental and social actions.

The unicist approach to evolution integrated ideologies both at an individual and social level considering that they might be absolute or functional and that their evolution is driven by technologies. A change of technologies is needed to foster the evolution of ideologies.

“Ideologies are necessary to provide a secure framework of ideas to human beings to deal with their adapting processes to the environment and its changes. Ideologies sustain human actions in the individual and social fields.

Thus, we found two different ideologies that regulate, on the one hand, the individual behavior, and, on the other hand, the social behavior.

The nature of a personal ideology can be described as the integration of the individual’s social ideology and the individual ideology to define the role of the person in the society.

The social ideology is the mask that covers the inaccessible archetype of the culture while the individual ideology is the mask that covers the ethical intelligence of an individual.

Ideologies make the development of individuals’ role in the society possible. Ideologies work as short-cuts, in which the individual has no real awareness of his own archetype or of his individual predominant type of ethics. Therefore, when the functionality of ideologies is replaced by absolute ideologies, this frequently drives to self-fulfilling prophesy.”

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NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist-school.org/theoryofevolution/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/turi.pdf
