The Unicist Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

Ontogenetic intelligence is defined by two principles of nature:

1)      The action principle that sustains growth and evolution. It is driven by expansion.

2)      The energy conservation principle, which sustains survival and avoids involution. It is driven by contraction.

In the field of human behavior, the action principle gives birth to the verbal function, which makes the fulfillment of purposes possible. The entropy produced by action produces changes in the goal of purposes.

To avoid changes and sustain the purpose, the energy conservation principle produces a homeostasis. The homeostatic value complements the purpose and ensures that action occurs within the established limits.

But the consequence of this interaction is never deterministic. The change produced by the interaction of the living being with the environment produces evolution or involution.

In nature, both principles sustain the evolution of living beings. Their effects can be observed in bacteria, viruses, cells, and other living beings.

At a more operational level, besides the expansion and contraction principles, there are functions that provide security and functions that provide freedom to living beings. These functions are implicit in the upper level functions (expansion – contraction).

Ontogenetic intelligence provides the basic rules to adapt to an environment. It sustains the living being’s unstable equilibrium. When, for any reasons, the ontogenetic intelligence is inhibited, the living being loses its equilibrium and its survival is endangered.

These principles are active in individual beings and in the live environment they are part of.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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