The Unicist Functionalist Approach

The Unicist Functionalist Approach: The Power of Simplicity

The paradox is that this phenomenon is basically the consequence of the rotation of earth, which happens roughly at 1,000 miles per hour, but people think that they are standing still, and the sun is surrounding the earth. 

The paradox is that this phenomenon is basically the consequence of the rotation of earth, which happens roughly at 1,000 miles per hour, but people think that they are standing still, and the sun is surrounding the earth. 

The Fallacy of Operational Observations

Watching the sun travelling across the sky from sunrise to sunset is a typical observation of operational phenomena.

People say that the sun is travelling across the sky which is, from a functional standpoint, false. People think that they are standing still on a place and that the sun is moving.

The paradox is that this phenomenon is basically the consequence of the rotation of earth, which happens roughly at 1,000 miles per hour, but people think that they are standing still, and the sun is surrounding the earth. 

It is necessary to recall that Galileo was condemned because he made functionality supersede operationality. The functionality of things explains the operationality but not vice versa. A metaphor clarifies this:

The cost of a glass is in its solid;
its value is in its hollow.
Its cost has no value.
Its value has no cost.
But both of them are within the glass.

The cost of a process is given by its operation;
its value is given by its functionality.
Operation has no value.
Functionality has no cost.
But both of them are within the process.

When dealing with adaptive environments, which have open boundaries, the “observation” of the processes generates fallacious conclusions. When the boundaries are open, the observers are part of the system.

Managing the Functionality of Adaptive Environments

The real world is an adaptive environment. All the environments or systems in the real world are adaptive. What varies is the speed of adaptiveness, which varies according to the intrinsic characteristic of the systems. Highly adaptive systems are those where the emergent results are fully dependent on the relationships and feedback from the environment.

To deal with adaptive environments it is needed to understand their functionality, which is based on their underlying concepts and fundamentals. Operationality is a consequence of the functionality of an adaptive system.

The unicist ontology describes the nature and functionality of reality by emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature. Therefore, there is an ontological logic to understand the nature of reality. This ontological logic was named Unicist Logic.

The unicist ontology describes the nature and functionality of facts, ideas, individuals and things, regarded from their essential, causative / functional and operational aspects, erasing the existent barrier between the human arbitrary division of philosophy, science and action and defining concepts that integrate them in a unified field. In the short or long run, the actions of living beings and their deeds are consistent with their nature.

Using Ontogenetic Maps to Manage Functionality

The unicist ontology of adaptive environments allowed defining their functional structure that defines their dynamics and evolution. This functional structure was named ontogenetic map, which established the basics to understand the functionality of adaptive systems and environments.

Unicist Functional Design

The ontogenetic maps define the functional structure of the adaptive systems or environments they model. They define the functional structure of an entity, its dynamics, and its structural evolution.

The Unicist Functional Design

The unicist functional design is based on the use of the ontogenetic maps that define the functionality of adaptive entities whatever their kind. The input to any functional design is the conceptual structure of the functionality of the entity that is being designed and the output is the definition of the operational design that includes the definition of the binary actions and their synchronicity and the design of the business objects.

More than 5,000 researches were developed since 1976 to define the ontogenetic maps of adaptive systems and environments. These unicist ontological researches included the research of the ontological structures and the ontogenetic maps necessary to manage social, economic, and business behavior.

The Unicist Functional Designer

The Unicist Functional Designer is the unicist logical tool to design actions in adaptive environments. It is based on a unicist ontological approach that allows managing the functionality and operation of adaptive systems.

The unicist ontological approach is based on the emulation of the intelligence of nature. It allows designing maximal strategies to generate growth and minimum strategies to ensure results in adaptive environments.

The Unicist Business Strategy Designer is a unicist ontological tool that can be easily applied to any design in the social, economic, and personal fields.

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