Daily Archives: July 22, 2020

Facileness, the Driver of Involution

Facileness is an addiction that is installed in over-adaptive environments, which drives their stagnation and/or involution. This behavior is driven by the submission to the fallacious myths of a society, is acted out by the actions of transferring risks and costs to others and is sustained by the avoidance of conflicts.


Facileness is necessarily short-term oriented and cannot deal with structural approaches, institutionalization, the root causes of problems or strategic approaches to reality.

Proposing utopias, making shortcuts, subjectifying, “buying time”, lying and denying facts are typical actions in facileness driven environments.

Facileness, as an addiction, is fully unconscious and develops the necessary defenses to maintain the status quo while following the fallacious myths of the environment.

As an addiction, it creates a parallel reality in the world where only those who share this addiction can participate as leaders.

The submission to the fallacious myths proposes behaviors that avoid facing the weaknesses that cannot be accepted by the environment.

Social Facileness

This social behavior is installed as an addiction in environments that are natural resources dependent without assuming an active role to increase the value of the resources.

It is also installed in extremely poor over-adaptive environments.

Facileness profits by transferring risks and cost to others, which installs distrust in the environment and reinforces an extremely individualistic behavior.

As conflicts are drivers of changes, this addiction requires avoiding conflicts to ensure that the parallel reality is not endangered.

The “Peers in the World” Program to minimize Facileness

Minimizing facileness is a basic condition for social development and requires that the leaders of the environment feel that they are “Peers in the World”, which do not need to be submissive or oppositional to evolve.

This requires that they have an adaptive attitude, which means that they feel they can influence the environment while they are influenced by it.

The development of a “Peers in the World” attitude requires promoting a strategic approach to reality among young leaders of the environment in a way that they can perceive short-term results while a long-term approach is introduced.

You can access the Transgenerational 50-year Project at:

Future Research Lab

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research where the Unicist Evolutionary Approach was developed. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept.