
The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a global decentralized research boutique that has been, since 1976, a pioneer in the research of complexity, where the roots of evolution and its fundamentals were discovered. It is specialized in the research of the roots of evolution, beginning with Natural Sciences and ending with Social Sciences.

The discovery of the structure of the intelligence that underlies nature drove to the development of the Unicist Artificial Intelligence and the Unicist Cognitive Systems. In the business world, TURI developed a Root Cause Library based on the ontogenetic maps of concepts, which define the fundamentals of business functions that allow developing solutions.

More than 5,000 researches have been developed since 1976 using the unicist research technology for complex adaptive environments. The main countries that originated these researches were: US, DE, UK, FR, JP, SE, CA, CH, IN, BR, AR, CAT, RU, CN, AU.

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About the Unicist School

The Unicist School is a school of thought that fosters the management of the concepts and fundamentals of what is being done. With more than 100,000 followers in 56 countries, it is a participation and collaboration space for members of the global community.

The Unicist School fosters the dissemination of the 4th Industrial Revolution and of Root Cause Management in the world, introducing an approach to develop structural solutions in adaptive environments.

The fact that concepts and fundamentals drive human actions and define the root causes of things drove to the development of Unicist Root Cause Management that sustains the unicist system. This development drove personal and professional management towards a superior level of possibilities.

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