A Double Dialectical Approach to Fundamentals
The unicist double dialectical logic uses the dualistic operation of neurons to build a mental emulation of the structure of nature that allows dealing with the adaptive aspects of reality.
The functionality of adaptive systems and environments is defined by their underlying concepts and fundamentals that have the triadic structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, which has a purpose, an active function and an energy conservation function.
The double dialectical logic allows apprehending the triadic structure of the concepts and fundamentals that define the functionality of adaptive entities and environments based on the conjunction of the elements integrated by complementation and supplementation laws.
The potential of an individual is given by her/his capacity to emulate in mind those aspects where the individual intends to influence the environment. High potentials in business are those who are able to emulate business processes in mind. Human actions are driven by the concepts individuals have. Therefore, any action a person intends to do, requires having the concepts of what will be done. This requires emulating in mind the functionality of the “external adaptive environment”, the functionality of the actions that are intended to be done and the integration of both aspects.
The Mental Emulation Process
The final goal of an emulation process of a given reality is the definition of actions that ensure the achievement of results.
We define reality as an external environment whose existence is given by a functionality within an adaptive system where the person who is emulating such reality is part of.
Human actions are driven by the concepts individuals have. Therefore, any action a person intends to do requires having the concepts of what will be done. This requires emulating in mind the functionality of the “external adaptive environment”, the functionality of the actions that are intended to be done and the integration of both aspects.
The purpose of an emulation is the construction of a mental model that has to be homologous, in functional terms, to the external reality that is being influenced.
It is necessary that the emulation process defines the idea of the concept that underlies actions. It needs to define the “what for” something needs to be done, the “how” it will be done and the “what” it is in itself.
An emulation includes the operational and unicist ontological aspects that allow building a model that represents the nature and operation of an action.
An emulation of a given reality to generate results requires having a previous knowledge of its functionality to be able to have an internal secure benchmark to begin with the emulation building process.
An external reality cannot be emulated if this knowledge does not exist. It has to be considered that the knowledge required is the knowledge of the category to which it belongs.
The mental emulation process includes the building of the mental model, defining its structural operational functionality and managing the underlying fundamentals.
It is necessary to recall that the fundamentals of a given reality define its genotype while the functional structure defines its phenotype. Both together allow emulating reality in a way where it is possible to define what can be achieved, how it can be achieved and how to make it happen.
The final purpose of a mental emulation is not the emulation itself but the achievement of structural solutions and operational results.
The Basics Behind Mental Emulation
- The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed discovering the concepts that underlie natural and artificial adaptive entities and explain their evolution. It provided the basics for secure strategy building and for the management of the root causes of things.
- The discovery of the triadic functionality of human conscious intelligence allowed emulating nature to develop strategies to influence the environment. It provided the basics to understand and influence individual actions.
- The discovery of the triadic functionality of collective intelligence allowed understanding the evolution of groups, institutions and societies. It provided the basics to understand and influence social behavior.
These basics sustain the emulation of the concepts and fundamentals of an adaptive environment that allow managing its root causes and the development of unicist strategies to ensure the generation of results.
Unicist Reflection, the Pathway Towards Mental Emulation of Solutions
Emulating solutions in mind requires using the unicist pilot test driven reflection methodology. Unicist reflection is the process that allows finding solutions and focusing on them when dealing with adaptive environments or systems.
As adaptive systems are in motion, there is no possibility to apprehend them if the focus is on their operational aspects. Unicist reflection allows entering into their nature in order to apprehend and influence them in their oneness.
It provides a methodology and a framework to apprehend the concepts and fundamentals when dealing with complex problems. Dualistic thinking hinders dealing with the unified field of complex adaptive systems. Unicist reflection requires using integrative thinking.
The Ontological Algorithm of a Mental Emulation Processes
The first step of a mental emulation process in an adaptive environment is imagining the functionality that needs to be achieved. It is only possible to develop meaningful emulations of reality when the needs are beyond the “wants” of an individual.
It has to be considered that the needs or stagnated beliefs of an individual are the drivers of fallacious decision making. It is not possible to emulate the functionality of an adaptive environment when the subjective needs of an individual prevail.
An artist can emulate a painting or a music, but it will be a projection of her/his beliefs and therefore it will not be driven by the functionality but by self-fulfillment. In this case, functionality is fully dependent on subjectivity and on the match between this subjectivity and the expectation of the environment.
The envisioning process of reality begins when this initial idea has an operational shape in the mind of an individual. Envisioning reality requires envisioning the unified field of such reality. This envisioning is possible when the dynamics of reality has been apprehended.
The envisioning of reality can be supported by describing what is happening externally, but this writing should only be used to validate information and to establish objections to the validity of the model that is being envisioned.
But it has to be considered that the emulation is destroyed when it is transformed into an analytical or operational model.
It is necessary to clarify that what needs to be envisioned is the unified field of the external reality, which includes the hypothetical actions. The first stage is, without doubt, a fuzzy approach to the external reality and as such it needs to be considered as what the mind is able to build.
Then it is necessary to develop a mental experiment to make the model live. The model is alive when it can be concretely operated in mind. This dynamic uses metaphors or homologous functionalities when a new field is being emulated. This mental experiencing makes the hypothetical model meaningful.
Maximal Strategy – Transforming hypothesis into a real environment
The maximal strategy of mental emulation consists in defining the objectives to be achieved at a functional operational level. This definition must be done within the limits of reality avoiding the definition of utopias. This requires having reliable knowledge in homologous fields.
By definition, an emulation process includes some innovation. But an emulation is not necessary when there is no innovation. This is the case when one deals with the operational aspects of reality, where it is necessary to understand the functionality of what needs to be done. But this is not an emulation, because it is based on analogical thinking, which is the approach to operational problems.
To build an emulation, it is necessary to define, in functional terms, the objectives to be achieved. After the hypothesis of objectives has been described, it is necessary to define the processes that drive the solution This requires that reality be transformed into a simple system that has cause-effect relations among its elements.
The definition of the processes allows defining the objects to be included within the processes and their hierarchical and relational interactions. This systemic design establishes a model that, on the one hand, allows ensuring the achievement of the objectives and, on the other hand, works as the catalyst that accelerates the building of the essential reality.
Minimum Strategy – Managing the fundamentals
The essential reality needs to be defined based on the structure of the fundamentals of the unified field where the solution is integrated with the restricted and wide context. The first step implies apprehending the purpose of the unified field.
The design of the fundamentals’ algorithm of the solution drives naturally towards the definition of the taxonomic steps to be followed to build the model.
The algorithm defines the procedure to be followed, which naturally enables the development of pilot tests to ensure that the purpose can be achieved. Pilot testing naturally requires the recycling of the goals that are not being achieved.
As this is an integrated unified field, the failure in the pilot testing process needs to be followed by a redesign not only of the minimum strategy but of the whole process.
If the pilot test works successfully, it works as an entropy inhibitor of the solution.
The models that are emulated in mind
There are four types of structural models that can be emulated:
- Level 1 – Universal models
- Level 2 – Specific models
- Level 3 – Functional models
- Level 4 – Adaptive models
Level 1 – Universal models
These models define the category of an activity. They are based on the pre-concepts that are stored in mind and respond to the beliefs of the person who is emulating actions. They imply universal actions that are fully dependent on the existence of successful experiences and their applicability. These models are extremely rigid because they have subjective empirical groundings.
Level 2 – Specific models
These models are based on the universal models an individual has in mind. They can be built when the level of consciousness of the individual allows her/him to accept that the specific characteristics of the environment might change the structure of the solution. These models are based on the development of pilot tests of the universal models that define the boundaries of their applicability. These models are generic but not universal.
Level 3 – Functional models
These models are based on the specific models an individual has in mind. They are based on the knowledge of the technical and operational aspects of their implementation that allow going beyond generic approaches and entering functional solutions. They are dominantly efficiency driven and are based on approaching processes with operational and functional objects that allow organizing processes in controlled environments.
Level 4 – Adaptive models
These models are based on the existence of functional models in mind. They are based on the integration of dynamic approaches to define processes. They imply having future scenarios that allow emulating the dynamic of the processes to define an adaptive model. These models include the existence of maximal and minimum strategies for each function included in the field. They include the wide and restricted contexts and their evolution. This allows establishing a dynamic approach to reality.
The objective of emulating an action in mind before doing it, is to be able to have a maximal and a minimum strategy to ensure results.
The emulation process is based on apprehending the concept of the activity in order to have a behavioral object that is stored in the long-term memory to be used when necessary. It is based on the use of the unicist pilot test driven reflection process.
This reflection process is what allows emulating in mind the functionality of the actions to ensure the results.
The risk of this approach is the building of fallacious structures, which can be avoided using destructive and non-destructive pilot tests.
Therefore, the key to emulate secure action processes in mind is to be able to develop the pilot tests to ensure that the root causes of the problems are being managed.
Every person needs to imagine action processes to develop them. There are two natural approaches when a person emulates action processes in mind:
1) The use of an instinctive approach using dualistic logic.
2) The use of a conscious approach using integrative logic.
The dualistic logical approach is driven by the needs of an individual, which transform the pilot tests into trial and error processes that cannot emulate a homology of the actions to be developed and substitutes it by an analogical approach.
This approach does not allow accessing the root causes of problems or defining secure solutions.
The integrative logical approach, on the other hand, requires designing the pilot tests based on the functional aspects of reality and the essential aspects that are defined by the concepts, fundamentals and root causes of the problems.
It allows emulating the structure and content of the action processes achieving a level of reliability of results that depends on the level of emulation that can be achieved based on the functional and essential knowledge that is being managed.
The emulation needs to end as a simple system that establishes univocal cause-effect relations and actions that can be developed without needing the knowledge of the strategy behind the operational aspects of the solution.
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