Monthly Archives: June 2009

Discovery of the functionality of the use words in unicist conflict management

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The research on the unicist ontology of language, among other aspects, explained the functionality that is implicit in the use of words. The results of this research helped individuals to diagnose reality based on the facts implicit in what is said.
In terms of the unicist ontology of language and based on the meaning of words, there are four different “types”: ambiguous words, hollow words, empty words and full words.
But we need to know that words are not hollow, empty, full or ambiguous in absolute terms. Their functionality is defined according to the context in which they are being used.
The selection and use of words implies an implicit functionality to the emitter of the communication. On this basis, there have been established four structural functionalities: Pastime, Rituals, Activity and Conflict Management.
Conflict management turns to be functional when words that are being used are functionally hollow, contents are clear and objective and there is an ambiguity management that allows for conflict solving.
The unicist ontology of language and the functionality of the use of words opened a new frontier for the diagnosis of signs in the communication process and a new way to see conflict management.

You can find more information on The Unicist Ontology of Language at:

More information on the Ontology of the Use of Words in the Building of Minimum and Maximal Strategies:

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

Diana Belohlavek

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the unicist organizational metamodels

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The wording “design globally, operate locally” is now meaningful. It requires understanding the nature of a business when designing, and operating within the limits of the specific culture.
The nature of institutional organization was discovered at The Unicist Research Institute.
This established the taxonomy to organize optimizing the energy consumed.
Nature is “the conceptual benchmark” for business management. On the one hand, nature is organized by objects. Trees, grass, animals, are “objects”. On the other hand, nature designs globally and operates locally.
Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, develop adaptive changes to live in a certain environment.
It is necessary to comprehend that the evolution of species has a materialistic origin.
What has been by the unicist business strategic approach is the nature of the business organization laying the fundamentals for global design.
The object-driven organizational design establishes the structure to develop adaptive behaviors in local environments.
The unicist natural organization has the same conceptual structure as nature.
This changes the organizational paradigms and at the same time it implies a back to basics.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the structure of Diagnostics’ limits

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Many diagnoses fail because their application goes beyond the boundaries of their validity.
The research on decision making and diagnosing, developed at The Unicist Research Institute, made the discovery of the logical limits of diagnoses possible.
Diagnoses are human deeds; they reflect the mind models used by those who make the diagnoses. Some of the issues that limit the validity of diagnoses are: common sense, reality awareness, not grounded opinions and the fallacious myths of a culture. “I don’t know” is the most difficult, less frequently used, but most necessary phrase to be pronounced when making diagnoses. It is the starting point for accessing the knowledge needed to diagnose.

This changes the paradigms of the validity of knowledge.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the unicist conceptual design methodology

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Success or failure is defined by the conceptual design of what is being done. To make conceptual design it is necessary to envision operationally a solution that is inexistent.
Conceptual design methodologies were researched at The Unicist Research Institute in order to ensure their functionality without limiting their boundaries.
The strategy building process begins with a conceptual design of the diagnosis of the situation and ends with a conceptual design of the strategy to be developed. The unicist conceptual design methodology is based on the natural human conceptualization process. It begins with the idea of a concept, then includes its systemic, functional (analytic) aspects and ends with the description of its operational processes.
This implies a universal paradigm of conceptual design.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the unicist taxonomies for strategy building

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Human desire is a limit in strategy building. To build strategies it is necessary to deal with actual possibilities and probabilities. Desires might be beyond these boundaries.
A research on the taxonomy of strategy building was developed at The Unicist Research Institute in order to develop reliable action plans.
The unicist approach to strategy implies the integration of the structural information of a business, the conjunctural data, the information of the environment, and the knowledge of the existing trends.
The input of a strategy building process is the conceptual design of the existing situation and the output is the conceptual design of the strategic solution to achieve the goals of the business.
This conceptual design is then transformed into action plans and measured using a scorecard system.
This changed the paradigms of strategy building.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the unicist method to diagnose complex problems

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90% of failures are originated by fallacious or partial diagnoses. The quality of decision making is improved when the different types of diagnoses and their functionality is understood.
The research on the different ways humans diagnose complex problems and their consequences was developed at The Unicist Research Institute.
Etymologically, diagnosis means discerning, distinguishing. The everyday use of the word also implies seeking for the causes of a problem.
From a conceptual point of view, diagnoses are made to forecast and to exert influence on a reality. The level of the groundings upon which diagnoses are based defines its level of accuracy.
Diagnoses necessarily include intuitive aspects when approaching new situations. The difference between diagnoses does not lie in the intuitive approach, but in the processing of the information that intuition offers.

We have identified five levels of diagnoses:
1) Intuitive-analogical
2) Descriptive
3) Static
4) Causal
5) Functional

This changes the paradigms of diagnostics.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the Maximal & minimum strategies of doers

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Self-criticism is the basis of the maximal and minimum strategies of doers. They fail if they do not exert self-criticism. The discovery of the unicist taxonomy of doers’ strategy building was discovered in the research developed at The Unicist Research Institute.Understanding how a doing strategy works will help doers to upgrade the value added by their deeds. The driver of doers are their deeds. The maximal strategy is based on value adding, self-criticism and self-actualization. By integrating these elements they cross the existing boundaries to develop or build value adding deeds.
Self-criticism is the catalyst of their minimum strategies. When self-criticism is active it produces all the necessary repairing actions to ensure the quality of the delivery of the adaptive deeds developed by an individual.
Inaction or fallacious actions are the consequence of the lack of self-criticism.
This modifies the paradigms of action.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the natural path for strategy building

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Most of the business strategies fail. But it has to be considered that most of them were not implemented. They are just ideas.
A research on the nature of strategies was developed at The Unicist Research Institute. Thus the Unicist Strategy building method was discovered.
The human approach to strategy is defined as the conscious planning of human beings to influence the environment when such environment is uncertain, risky, complex or conflictive.
Influencing implies that the actions of a developed strategy will occur in the future.
The unicist strategic approach implies the building of a natural complementation with the client and a competitive strategy with competitors.
In business, customers either buy the products or services from one company or from another. At least in the short run, the one who sells is the winner and the one who looses the opportunity to sell is the looser.
Strategy building implies a conscious behavior; therefore it implies intuitive but also emotional and rational conducts.
As it is a conscious behavior, it evolves with human individual and social evolution. Childhood, adolescence and maturity are the three ascending levels of evolution.
This implies that individual strategy building can be fostered, catalyzed, inhibited and trained.
This implies a change of paradigms in strategy building and a back to basics.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the Unicist approach to complex problems

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Complex problems require their apprehension in their oneness. When this method is not used their nature is disregarded.
The structure of the nature of complex problems was discovered in a research developed at the Unicist Research Institute.

The most primitive complex problem is given by two elements that have a biunivocal relation (loop). For example:
•  The lack of credibility of an innovation inhibits its use and the absence of use impedes credibility.
•  The absence of production causes inappropriate distribution and dysfunctional distribution causes a lack in productivity.

Until the appearance of the solution given by the unicist approach, there were four palliatives:
•  Intuition
•  More or less subjective arbitrary models
•  Fallacies to avoid the perception of complexity
•  Ceteris paribus

Complexity is self-evident in the field of social, institutional and individual evolution. It can be said that evolution is a complex problem itself.
Complexity is implicit in the core of the business world. Those who can apprehend it and influence the environment are successful. Those who cannot influence complexity, fail.  The unicist approach is necessary for those who need to manage complex problem to transform them into simple solutions, easy to be implemented.
This changed the paradigms to approach complex problems.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.


Discovery of the unicist “5-why” method

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Using the five-why method a concept can be apprehended beginning at the operational level. A knowledge is reliable when all the answers to the five whys have been found.
Researching the different possibilities to access the nature of “things”, led to the discovery of this method at The Unicist Research Institute.
There are different approaches to the “why” of facts. Making the question “why?” several times leading to the understanding of reality is one of the most frequently used. But this method mostly leads to justify a reality instead of finding its groundings. The unicist “5 whys” is logic based method. It seeks to find different foundations based on different logical approaches instead of finding the whys of the preexisting “why”. The knowledge of the “why?” level achieved, defines the reliability of a diagnosis.

This implies a breakthrough in analytics.

Click here to access the complete information.

Your comments on this discovery are welcome.

The Editor

If you would like to get acquainted with unicist technologies, you can participate in a module of Unicist Strategy.
