Theory of evolution

Unicist Research: Closing the gap between macro and micro behavior

The Unicist Research closed the gap between macro and micro behaviour. The unicist complexity research approach implies dealing with applications while researching, which requires that the lapse of research time be very long in order to achieve fully accurate predicted results before validating a hypothesis.

discoveries-unicist-2013-2014As it has been done every year since its foundation, The Unicist Research Institute synthesized this January the researches that had been finished until that time. After 38 years, 2013/2014, can be considered the year in which the integration of macro and micro behavior could be confirmed.

The gap between the macro and the micro cosmos has been and is still a problem that theoretical physicists are closing. The integration of the field of macro and micro behavior, that has been solved by Peter Belohlavek, is homologous. It allows integrating social behavior with individual behavior, making human complex adaptive systems manageable.

The publication of Conceptual Economics, Conceptual Anthropology and Conceptual Psychology are some of the milestones of this process that included the researches developed in 2013-2014 (see image above).

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Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The Unicist Theory of Evolution and its applications

The Unicist Theory of Evolution of Peter Belohlavek was a theory developed to deal with the adaptive aspects of reality. Its purpose was not to find the origin of species. It was the finding of the laws of evolution in order to predict human adaptive systems to influence them.

The Unicist Theory of Evolution widely exceeded the original purposes established and can be now considered as the theory that allows dealing with the evolution of living beings if it is possible to apprehend their structure.

This established a new starting point which widened the possibilities of the research in life-sciences and the behavior of individuals, institutions and cultures.

The first stage of the discovery of the Unicist Theory of Evolution happened in 1985 and since then there were new aspects discovered based on the application of this theory in multiple fields that begin with life-sciences and end with social sciences.

Considering that in the field of complex adaptive systems there is no possibility to develop artificial experiences but making real applications to research, this theory was validated through real applications that began in 1985.

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Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist ontology to apprehend the nature of an object

The unicist ontology defines the nature of entities. It defines their purpose, their active function and their energy conservation function. These three elements are integrated in their oneness following the complementation and supplementation laws.

It is a structural functionalist approach that belongs to the field of complexity science and emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.

An example is the unicist ontology of a person. The apprehension of this entity is based on:

1)      The active function, the appearances, can be observed.

2)      The energy conservation function, the doings, can be perceived.

3)      The purpose, the being, needs to be intuited.

4)      Their integration in their oneness requires using double dialectical thinking within a reflection process.

Some of these concepts are counterintuitive for adults. For example that appearance is an active function and that doings cannot be observed but only perceived. That is why humbleness and experiencing reality is basic to avoid conflicts with counterintuitive concepts.

To apprehend the nature of an entity it is necessary to have a preexisting sound knowledge, having experienced it to start a reflection process. The final step is the development of the necessary destructive and non-destructive tests until the definition has demonstrated that it suffices to forecast the evolution of the entity.

Access the content of the book “The Ontogenesis of Evolution: The Unicist Ontology of Evolution” at the Unicist Library:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Launching of Free book: Unicist Theory of Evolution for All

On April 13, 2010 the e-book “Unicist Theory of Evolution for all” by Peter Belohlavek will be presented with its applicative researches worldwide.

Peter Belohlavek was asked repeatedly in the last 30 years to publish a simple book that allowed the general public to take advantage of the unicist object driven strategies that resulted from the application of his theory in order to simplify their personal life.

Finally, at the beginning of this year, he accepted.

So we are pleased to inform you that on April 13 this one of a kind e-book will be available.

Please select your language and register now to receive a free access on April 14, 2010.


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Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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Behind Darwin: The unicist ontology of involution

Humans cannot deal with involution consciously. Involution implies naturally an unconscious behavior of the individuals involved.

From the facts alluded to in the first chapter, I think there can be little doubt that use in our domestic animals strengthens and enlarges certain parts, and disuse diminishes them; and that such modifications are inherited. Under free nature, we can have no standard of comparison, by which to judge of the effects of long-continued use or disuse, for we know not the parent-forms; but many animals have structures which can be explained by the effects of disuse. (Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species)

The degradation of the objectives is the natural answer of individuals who cannot deal with a reality. When an individual is unable to adapt to an environment in order to influence it s/he will naturally degrade the problem in order to be able to influence it.

When this process is done consciously the individual is learning. But when the individual does is unconsciously the individual is involving. Involution implies an entropic behavior of individuals in order to find an easier way to deal with problems.

We have researched the mechanic of involution in order to forecast behaviors and build the necessary entropy inhibitors in order to avoid it.

Involution begins at the same stage as evolution: understanding the purpose.

But when an individual cannot adapt to the environment s/he chooses to begin by conserving the energy in order to gain time to understand this reality.

This behavior is unconscious and produces paradoxical results. It drives to develop the necessary actions that are within the minimum strategy that is implicit in the energy conservation principle in order to survive.

Thus the survival of the individual is achieved but the purpose is left behind. Humans cannot accept that they changed a purpose. To avoid this perception individuals build the necessary fallacies.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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Unicist thinking to manage adaptive systems

Unicist thinking is the process to apprehend, comprehend and influence adaptive systems and complex realities. Its double dialectical structure enables the individual to apprehend the dynamic of a reality.

Unicist thinking emulates the structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature in order to be able to deal with it.

It is basic to apprehend the dynamic of reality. It is the necessary intelligence to develop forecasts and planning.

Thus individuals can approach evolution and develop strategies. Unicist thinking is a conscious approach to reality far beyond automatic intuitive approaches

It is necessary to develop strategies. Strategies are necessarily complex because the boundaries of a reality are necessarily open.

Therefore a strategy building process requires, among other tools, the use of unicist thinking to be able to model reality.

Using unicist thinking reality becomes reasonable, comprehensible and provable for those who are involved in the strategy building process

The ontogenesis of unicist thinking

Extrinsic concepts are those deposited by humans on their deeds and on the elements of nature they use.

The understanding of a reality begins with the discovery of its purpose. After the purpose has been approached it is possible to build the first dialectic pair.

The verbal function is the antithesis that puts the purpose into action while its implicit utopia tries to change it. If there wouldn’t exist an entropy inhibiting element, this situation would evolve into a dysfunctional result regarding the original purpose.

The function of the first dialectic pair, the second dialectic is born. The purpose is sustained by the energy conservation function.

It is a complementary element that limits the effects of the verbal function to secure the maintenance of the objectives implicit in the purpose.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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Behind Darwin: The taxonomy of evolution

Evolution implies the existence of a “taxonomy” to achieve a purpose. The first step is putting the purpose into action. This implies that a previous taxonomic step that is the understanding of the purpose. Then the first step is putting it into action. Without understanding no action is possible.

The insects in Madeira which are not ground-feeders, and which, as the flower-feeding coleoptera and lepidoptera, must habitually use their wings to gain their subsistence, have, as Mr. Wollaston suspects, their wings not at all reduced, but even enlarged. This is quite compatible with the action of natural selection. For when a new insect first arrived on the island, the tendency of natural selection to enlarge or to reduce the wings, would depend on whether a greater number of individuals were saved by successfully battling with the winds, or by giving up the attempt and rarely or never flying. (Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species)

The second step is then finding a way to optimize the energy; thus the energy conservation principle is applied.

When this taxonomy is respected and successful individual are evolving. This implies that they add value to the environment, obtain the counterpart and learn from the environment at the same time.

Evolution implies being aware of reality and making conscious actions in order to adapt to the environment.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Using the unicist standard to deal with adaptive systems

The unicist standard deals with reality considered as a unified field. The unified field is  defined by the extrinsic and intrinsic concepts that have been discovered.

These unicist concepts are the unicist ontology that defines and regulates the nature of the entity that is being dealt with.

This unified field is defined by a credibility zone when we deal with extrinsic concepts and by a functionality zone when dealing with intrinsic concepts.

Every being can be described by the three principles and functions that define it. It has a purpose, an action principle and an energy conservation principle.

These three elements are integrated in its oneness considering a specific functionality in the environment. Every reality, considered from a functional point of view, has a unique essential structure.

Concepts behave as strange attractors

Behavior oscillates, with higher or lower frequency, between expansion and contraction, and at the same time between security and freedom.

This double oscillation makes concepts behave as strange attractors. When a given behavior moves towards freedom, it will return seeking for security.

The amplitude or importance of the qualitative and quantitative modification does not necessarily determine the amplitude or importance of the next move.

The same phenomenon happens when moving towards expansion or contraction.

Therefore within the credibility zone behavior appears as chaotic, but following the patterns of the behavior of strange attractors.

Possibilities define the existence of a functionality/credibility zone while probabilities define the behavior within the functionality/credibility zone.

In intrinsic concepts, possibilities define the existence of a functionality zone but probabilities define the behavior within such zone.

In extrinsic concepts, possibilities define the existence of a credibility zone but probabilities define the behavior within such zone.

The credibility or functionality zone behaves like a “micro-cosmos”. Its functionality is compatible and homologous to what is known as quantum mechanics.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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Explaining Darwin – How evolution takes place

The question answered by The Unicist Ontology of Evolution is how evolution is produced and how it can be anticipated to influence as far as it is possible. When talking about evolution, we always refer to the evolution of a reality that is regulated by the multiple concepts organizing its “unified field”.

Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, develop adaptive changes to live in a certain environment. It is necessary to comprehend that the evolution of species has a materialistic origin.

Habit is hereditary with plants, as in the period of flowering, in the amount of rain requisite for seeds to germinate, in the time of sleep, &c., and this leads me to say a few words on acclimatisation. As it is extremely common for species of the same genus to inhabit very hot and very cold countries, and as I believe that all the species of the same genus have descended from a single parent, if this view be correct, acclimatisation must be readily effected during long-continued descent. It is notorious that each species is adapted to the climate of its own home: species from an arctic or even from a temperate region cannot endure a tropical climate, or conversely. (Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species)

Evolution always occurs by the “verbal function effect”. Adaptation to the environment is lost when the action where the adverbial function is materialized stops being functional to the existence of a concept in its current state.

In this case, there are two possibilities: either the adverbial function compensates the dysfunctionality or it does not.

In order to adjust this, the adverbial function starts up the verbal function it has as sub-concept of the original concept. This compensation may be reached or not.

If reached, there is an adjustment effect which is functional to the balance at a given time and let repairing or self-repairing mechanisms adjust the dysfunctionality.

When there are no chances of repair, the balance of the credibility area must have changed in the case of an extrinsic concept, or there must have been a change in the functionality area when dealing with an intrinsic concept.

It may also happen that the adverbial function (homeostasis) cannot compensate the unbalance situation produced by the dysfunctionality of the verbal function. Should that be the case, there is a modification of the substantive function.

In this case, a mutation must have taken place. When purposes change mutation occur.

Mutations may be qualitative or structural. By qualitative mutations we mean those that modify the quality of the same structural purpose.

Structural mutations are those where the purpose changes completely. Structural mutations frequently occur when, in chaotic situations, there appears an external gravitating force which intends to “absorb” a unified field.

It is very difficult to know exactly when the mutation will take place and what it will result in. What it is possible indeed  is to build alternative scenarios which allow a better adaptation to the environment.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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The Unicist Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

Ontogenetic intelligence is defined by two principles of nature:

1)      The action principle that sustains growth and evolution. It is driven by expansion.

2)      The energy conservation principle, which sustains survival and avoids involution. It is driven by contraction.

In the field of human behavior, the action principle gives birth to the verbal function, which makes the fulfillment of purposes possible. The entropy produced by action produces changes in the goal of purposes.

To avoid changes and sustain the purpose, the energy conservation principle produces a homeostasis. The homeostatic value complements the purpose and ensures that action occurs within the established limits.

But the consequence of this interaction is never deterministic. The change produced by the interaction of the living being with the environment produces evolution or involution.

In nature, both principles sustain the evolution of living beings. Their effects can be observed in bacteria, viruses, cells, and other living beings.

At a more operational level, besides the expansion and contraction principles, there are functions that provide security and functions that provide freedom to living beings. These functions are implicit in the upper level functions (expansion – contraction).

Ontogenetic intelligence provides the basic rules to adapt to an environment. It sustains the living being’s unstable equilibrium. When, for any reasons, the ontogenetic intelligence is inhibited, the living being loses its equilibrium and its survival is endangered.

These principles are active in individual beings and in the live environment they are part of.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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